Thursday 14 March 2013

Sticking Stifle - Day 8

Fred's off-hind stifle was locked this morning. She was dragging it behind her, worse than I have ever seen. It is very cold here though  at -5 and I have noticed that it is worse in cold weather.

I had intended riding her round the 1 hour circuit and so I saddled her up and wlked her round a bit untill it freed off enough to mount. She has only had 15 rides in her life (she is not 4yrs untill May) and has not been ridden since November 2012, but she sttod stock still whilst I mounted - she is so honest.

Gavin, my husband, led Emily round and Fred's stifle eased off and was 100% fine after about 200 yards on the ride. She didn't put a foot wrong, bless her.

However, on returning to the yard and turning her out, it was catching again. Could it be that the extra effort put on the Quadrucep muscles helped during the riding?? That was my intention - to make them work harder and strengthen them more.

The farrier comes today to trim feet (all my horses are barefoot and fine on gravel) so I am going to ask him to trim back and square off the hind toes and lower the inside wall to try to alter the balance, as advised by the Vet. We shall see what happens.

I will lunge her this afternoon in running reins. Keep you all posted.

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